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Construction Loan

Build your own home or become a landlord with up to 100% financing, depending on the project, and repayment periods tailored to you. It can be used as an investment loan for alternative-income projects such as building construct multiple residential dwellings. Features Maximum loan amount determined by borrower’s income. Flexible repayment period, determined by borrower’s

Build your own home or become a landlord with up to 100% financing, depending on the project, and repayment periods tailored to you. It can be used as an investment loan for alternative-income projects such as building construct multiple residential dwellings.


  • Maximum loan amount determined by borrower’s income.
  • Flexible repayment period, determined by borrower’s age.
  • Loan is insured against death or permanent disability.
  • Mortgage Protection and Fire Policy Insurance are required.
  • Interest rate is calculated on a reducing balance basis.
  • Available in TZS and USD.
  • Can be charged in foreign currency subject to your source of income.